
    our strata is full of apathetic owners – who complain amongst themselves in their little groups then become aggressive at meetings (if they bother to turn-up). Last AGM 3 ppl out of 20 came.  we run fairly tight strata and because of the apathy there are only 2 committee members.  

    recently one of outspoken long time residing owners came to my door complaining (at 8pm at night) – the issue was strata manager and owner related nothing to do with EC.

    my parting line to this other owner in a very pleasant voice was:-

    ‘i am not your staff’ – ‘please do not come to my home and treat me as your staff you do not employ me and as such i deserve respect as an owner just as i respected you up till this point’

    ‘the OC employs the strata manager and pays them with strata fees every 3 months please remember that – as to your issue please speak to the Strata Mgr’