
    Oh, Sir Humphrey, a divorce would be marvellous! I fear we should never have married in the first place … but as a love child of the unholy amalgamation, I see that settlement would be extremely difficult.  The commercial owners have cherry picked nearly all the outside areas for exclusive usage and depleted funds from residential maintenance to constructing their exclusive use structures.  If we divorce now, the residential units would be left with possibly hundreds of thouands of dollars in overdue maintenance and capital works – and the commercial operators would just waltz away singing.

    We were quoted $10,000 for an entitlement rethink.  The commercials use our strata fund for legal actions against residents, augmenting their edifices, and maintaining the status quo.  Residents have no such funds available.

    And in the end we would still have a garbage room that has to be seen to be believed, a massive carbon footprint from our polluting air con system and ‘free’ power, and a building that looks like a complete shambles.

    But we will try any ideas we can to turn the block around… so thank you for your time and kind thoughts.