
    Tku, Puddn!

    You are on the money with developers ‘right of entitlement’.  In our building they even have written into the by-laws that none of the residents are allowed to complain about any of their commercial activities.

    When i complained, as anyone would under the circumstances, they issued notices to say I had to leave the property because it wasn’t residential.  That was a very scary couple of months!  So off we trundled to NCAT to try to sort the matter out and while a decision was still pending the corporates issued the entire residential building with notices to say they had to leave. It was craziness!

    Luckily, in that instance, NCAT decided against throwing us all onto the street and the threat was withdrawn. NCAT also ruled that we could complain – as you would expect.  So it was a good result, but a costly and long running process, which doesn’t leave us homeless, but also doesn’t solve the core problem.  And the by-laws remain unchanged, by commercial vote.

    The next step in liberating the building isn’t going to be a stroll in the park, either.  Even though it’s all over the news that recycling is ending up in landfill, I still believe it is vitally important that we each do the best we can for the planet, and each other.  We need to recycle, conserve energy, use our community property to mingle with our neighbours and become a real community.  With guidance from the Flat-Chatters that’s what we aim to bring about in our little dysfunctional part of paradise.

    Peace, love and happiness, in the neighbourhood.