
    As a registered owner you have unlimited access to any correspondence carried out by, to or on behalf of the Owners Corporation.

    There is no privacy provision that would exclude you from viewing any records or communications to or from the owners corp.

    To take an extreme example, when an Owners Corp has been involved in a legal matter that has been “sealed” or has been decreed a private settlement, any owner can still view the document, as they are, by definition, “party” to the action.  

    It is up to the strata manager or secretary to find a means of allowing the owner to see the document without breaching the confidentiality imposed by the court.  Usually this is done by allowing them to see the document in private but not copy it, after undertaking in writing not to divulge its contents to anyone else.

    So, getting back to letters etc, you and anyone else who is a registered owner in the strata scheme is entitled to see them. You may have to pay a modest fee to the strata manager for arranging the viewing, but it is still your legal right to do so.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.