Lady Penelope

    To add to scotlandx’s comment ….. if the by-laws were changed to now exclude pets the by-law would not be retrospective. 

    Therefore, if you already had a pet you would be permitted to keep the pet until the pet died. You would not be permitted to acquire another pet.

    The by-law does not become enforceable until it has been correctly Passed at a general meeting AND has been Registered within the required time period.

    If the by-laws have not yet changed and you want to acquire a pet then if I was you I would seek to acquire a pet as soon as possible. The OC cannot refuse you permission to keep a pet until the by-law has been Passed AND has been Registered. It would be unreasonable for the  OC to refuse you permission to keep a pet based on a mere possibility that a by-law will be Passed and will be Registered.