
I, somewhat. agree with the quote if stupidity relates to the fact that owners are thinking their strata manager is being entirely honest with them they are kidding themselves. Some strata managers are more skilled in the art of manipulation and telling a person what they want them to know then a car salesman.  

Also, if there is 1 owner that suspects something is going on.  The person is outnumbered by the majority.  As the majority don’t care, not interested, feel satisfied by the service, can’t be bothered as it’s too hard and lastly let down by the Dept of Fair Trading as they can’t see anything wrong.  

A couple that ran a strata management company in wollongong stole close to 2 million dollars and another woman stole over a million and a man that did the same in sydney.  These were all in the SMH.  Thes are just 3 examples. how many more that are not known or found out.  Strata has been around since the early 1960’s how many managers in the past 50 years stole and got any with it, I wonder and without owners taking a vested interest in where their money is actually going and looking in to the finances of their individual strata scheme. Managers will continue to steal money in one way or another.

Strata management is the least investigated industry around and this is been taken advantage of and exploited.