
    @ccbaxter said:

    When an unsympathetic chairman at our AGM i.e. the strata manager, let’s the predictable abuse, personal attacks and disruptive interjections run, is a forceful request for a ‘point of order’ enough? 

    I’m not expert in meeting procedures but I would have thought you needed to have Standing Orders in place for a point of order to have any weight.

    I keep thinking we should have a set of standing orders available for Owners Corps to adopt but I wouldn’t know where to start. 

    One very useful meeting rule is that each speaker only gets to speak once until such times as eveyone who wants to say something has had their say.  It’s a little bit ponderous but it takes the heat out of some of these shouting matches when the call for silence is based on an agreed rule rather than the say-so (or not) of one person.

    On the general question of insufficient information, our strata managers provide a comprehensive explanation of the breakdown of each budget item or proposal but it takes them about a week to compile the agenda because of that.

    It’s obviously more expensive than your strata manager turning up with a few line items on a spreadsheet but everyone in the building is entitled to be informed – if they want to be.  A motion for your next general meeting asking that all such matters be accompanied by a full budget might solve this problem in the future.

    Meanwhile, I would stick by the idea of getting enough support to bounce the current proposals until such times as everyone has had a chance to look at the costings.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.