› Flat Chat Strata Forum › Strata Committees › Advice wanted re:behaviour of a strata committee member › Current Page
Seems that JT and I have a similar response.
There is often scant regard by ‘retired’ Committee members for those occupants who work and are not in their apartments 24/7, and also scant knowledge by the Committee of the Residential Tenancies Act 2010.
Leaving an entrance door open for a number of hours with no occupant present is clearly a security issue.
I would have thought that the OC should have paid a security company or had a Committee member act as security person to monitor the doors of those occupants who were unable to be at home while the paint was drying and the entrance doors were left open.
Your landlord too may bear some responsibility for this inconvenience.
Your first action could be to write a letter to the Committee (via your buildings Strata Manager) outlining a timeline of events and how you believe that this Committee member has acted improperly. I would ask for (1) a written apology for your treatment and would also ask for (2) compensation for any financial loss that you have suffered during the entrance door painting process.
This matter should be placed on the Agenda of the next Committee meeting.
You may receive an apology letter from the Committee after the meeting. If the Committee says ‘no’ then you have an option to take this to mediation via NCAT.
The correct procedure is to that you should have been given at least 2 days notice (working days) by the Committee of this work, and the specific hours during which you would be inconvenienced.
Had you been given 2 days notice then you may have been able to contact your Letting Agent/Landlord who may have been able to offer a solution to your security issue. The Letting Agent may have been able to act as your security person had you been given the correct notice.
Letters written to the Committee form part of the Records and remain available for future owners to peruse. If a particular Committee member has been abusive or unreasonable then this will be on the Record for all future owners to see.