
    Those are the requirements for a landlord wanting access to their rented property.  I don’t know if they are applicable to a strata scheme requiring access to a rented property.

    A problem in both VIC and NSW is that the OC has to give non-emergency entry notice to the occupier.  And that’s the tenant in a 100% leased lot.  In NSW the occupier has to agree or the OC must get a Tribunal order.

    IME most of the time there’s reasonable co-operation once communications with the actual occupier (owner/tenant/other) has been established.   Which might have to be via the owner or an agent.

    But every time I have to arrange one of these multiple lot access events, and I have another one tomorrow morning, it’s usually a day or two’s work spread out over several weeks, with all the to-ing and fro-ing, trying to get everyone involved on the same page or at least close to it.