Sir Humphrey

    This question highlights for me one of the things that seems very foreign about NSW compared with the ACT. NSW has this requirement to post EC meeting agendas and minutes on a notice board but the ACT does not. As an EC member I am very glad that we (in the ACT) don’t have to do that. It gives us considerable freedom to discuss matters frankly and openly within the EC without (or at least before) matters getting to be a wider bun fight. Every OC will at times have people who get bees in their bonnets about something. If it is some dispute between neighbours it might be far better addressed quietly and discretely rather than broadcast before EC members have even had a chance to talk to the parties to work out what it is about. We tend to include a general overview of the matters the EC has dealt with in a newsletter but we present these as just a selection of news items; we can be a bit more discrete and leave out certain specifics (such as the particular unit) if it not something that people really need to know. We don’t pretend it is a transcript of the minutes but of course we do have proper minutes which anyone could get if they went to the managing agent’s office to inspect the books.

    I can think of a few owners who would have loved to have their unpleasant innuendo-laden correspondence to the EC published for them.