
    Thank you Jimmy and Gilgal1,

    Do any of you have any strata specialist lawyer than you know? Please kindly advise. Thanks!


    Today, me and my neighbour (the Secretary) went to [the local] Council and found out our Councilor of our ward, we spoke to him. And all we get is:

    ” The council doesn’t care about your strata issue, anyone can submit application form for Development, you may talk to the councilor of State if you think your strata agent is doggy….” So what’s all about strata living?!!! What’s all about body corporation? If the council doesn’t get involved of strata, then why would our terminated agent sent a letter and instructed council to lodge application and with our common seal?!! People are shifting their responsibilities! Anyway, we then did went to the State council and lodge our enquiry.


    We have been fighting for our rights since Sept this year, not to ask for sympathy, but we are just ordinary people who have a family to take care of. Some times I was really exhausted and willing to just sell my property and move, but my soul tells me that once I started I have to finish it, because this to be continued, it’s really unfair for the next owner. 


    By the way, I had contacted StrataRes, and browsed through their web site and found them really transparent, and I love the different level service they provide, hope they can give us some profession advise, and we dare to have someone professional to take care of us.