
    Hi everyone, not sure if you still remember this case, here's some dramatic updates.


    1. Regarding to the strata agent issuing a letter on behalf of the owners corporation authorizing the commercial lot owner to change the use of his lots to boarding house, was finally rejected by Ryde Council, after we appeal direct to the councilor of the ward.


    2. However our application for Adjudicator order to terminate the current agent and appointing new strata agent was dismissed. =(


    Before we submit our case to Fair Trading and CTTT, we were told by both officers that the applicants to the Adjudication Order needs to be OC, we therefore convene a EGM for such authorization, but the Adjudicator dismissed our case claiming the applicant cannot be OC! 2nd reason for order dismiss: no committee meeting was held to authorize such application if the OC is applying for such order, isn't a EGM sufficient? Are both reasons given contradict to each other?


    3. The strata agent we are still fighting against, yesterday sent us a special levy notice of total $15000, and telling us the insurance will increase from $3850 to $7000, and stating insurance company won't renew our insurance until we fix the sewage pipe! Our secretary straight away asked for reasons, black and white proof of what the special levy is for and what exact problem is there with the sewage pipe. Because our building is still under builder warranty, any structural problem will need to chase up the builder. If it's related to the subdivision of the commercial lot, the commercial lot owner is responsible for it. Unless the above two circumstances are excluded, why should the owners pay to fix something we don't even know there's a problem with?!  Guess what the strata manager reply? — “Therefore no proof this is a building defect, there's some reason the insurance company saw the sewer pipe problem, and it has been a issue since 2010.”

    What the?!!!  No one has ever mentioned about the sewage pipe problem in any previous meeting, and without any engineering report what make the strata manager say this is a sewage issue. Is it all bull shit?


    The commercial lot owner had recently put a sale ad in the market, I am guessing the strata agent is trying to use the urgent insurance issue as an excuse then push the rest of the owners to pay for something we do not need to pay. From the beginning, we smell fishy things between the strata agent and the commercial lot owner anyway. Both of them are owner of Real Estate agent. 


    Now my questions is:

    1. The insurance is going to expire soon, what if we want to find out the exact sewage problem and didn't pay the insurance in time. What could happen to us?

    2. Can the strata manager refuse to answer the chairman's queries regarding to insurance and common property issues? Because I as the chairman also sent email to the Strata manager questioning all the doubts, but the strata manager refused to answer my queries, in stead claiming that I have to pass the inquires to the Secretary before reaching the strata manager? (Note: the Secretary and all owners were copied in the emails when I sent the queries)

    3. If one insurance company refuses to insure the property, shouldn't the strata manager ask quotation from other insurance company?

    4. Shouldn't the strata manager provide the insurance report of what reasons lead to the dramatic increase of the strata premium?

    5. What should we do if CTTT dismiss our case, what could we do? Because this strata agent was not illegally appointed/executed from the beginning anyway, why it's so hard to terminate them? 

    6. Please advise any solutions to fight for our rights. =(