
    In addition, this agent not only refuses to return the books and records, they even sent me a letter tell me release access for plumber to do works for the commercial lot owner, it has never been mentioned in any of our former meeting of getting access to my garage, not that I want to create a trouble here. But I am just not convinced of what they are doing is right.


    The letter they sent to me for accessing my garage state the reason that the commercial lots owner is paying for water for owners up stairs, which is referring to me, lot 1 and lot 2 residential owners, and if we don't grant the access, we might be out of water. What the!!!?? I checked with Sydney Water, that we are all paying for our own water usage up-to-date, we have our own water meter, so what kind of hilarious reason are they making up? This lead to me suspicion on the agent helping the commercial lot owner to do jobs for their own benefit while cost will be charged to the owners corporation. Very suspicious! Because you know why? The two commercial lots down stairs were previous one lot, it got subdivided, and pervious meeting mentioned about a separate toilet is needed, however the minutes did clearly state any cost relating to the subdivision, the commercial lot owner is responsible for it, now they want to fool us around because the agent was actually a friend of the commercial lot owner. 


    We (all the residential owners) knew we hold the rights, but sometimes when you experience someone who's barbaric, there's not much you could talk to them. We have even thought of sending out request to Today Tonight, because the media help would be a lot greater then Fair Trading I guess, because the residential owners are all first home owners and come from non-English speaking countries. Not to apply sympathy here, but I guess that relating to why even we have things properly done, the agent and the commercial lots owner still ignore us and even threaten or bully us.