
    Nibbles55 – you’ve raised one of my most frustrating issues, and in addition to the post on this subject that’s almost 12 months old ( 2 below) here’s my most recent one.

    I’m not a landlord, but after first-hand experience in dealing with the Property Managers who oversee the rental properties in my Plan, I’ve concluded that they’re mostly the ones in the Agency who can’t answer telephones, who keep breaking pens, who can’t settle, and who can’t sell properties — and so they get the job to manage them as they regularly migrate from one Agency to another!

    A couple of my Owners have had similar experiences to yours, and I’ve suggested that they look for Real Estate Agencies that are owned and operated by the Principal, because generally their staff members are better managed and are not on the revolving door (to the Agency next door). 

    That’s worked for those Owners, so just maybe it’s a way forward for you in that place that’s 7 Miles from Sydney and 1000 miles from care!