
    As far as I know, youi can reissue the minutes, due to “errors” even after they have been distributed.

    If anyone objects, the can call for an EGM at which they could be rejected and amended.  

    But really, your problem here is an incompetent manager and the fact that you appear to have delegated the secretary role (and others?) to them.

    You are now discovering why this is not a satisfactory state of affairs.  The strata manager can’t be trusted and is pushing hard for an extended contract in clear effort to by-pass laws that have been brought in specifically to allow Owners Corps to remove under-performing strata professionals.

    Here’s what I think you should do:

    1. Appoint a secretary

    2. Reissue the amended minutes to reflect what actually happened at the meeting.

    3. Start looking for a new strata manager – there are plenty of good, reliable ones around.  Our friends at the OCN may be able to recommend one in your area.

    4. Tell your current strata manager that they WILL be considered for the new contract.  Otherwise, why would a crap service suddenly get even worse?

    On the question of motions being approved, rejected or deferred, unless you have standing orders that restrict how decisions can be made – and most ECs don’t – all it takes is a motion to be proposed that item such and such be deferred and there’s your decision.

    Even a suggestion by the chair to defer would be fine so long as no one objects and demands a vote.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.