
    Our EC has moved a Motion that Owners must give a minimum of 90 hours notice if they wish to attend an EC Meeting.  Owners are only granted24 hours to note the date of the meeting and meet the 90 hour cut off limit.  Is this permissible?

    Our Strata Agent (one can’t attribute the word ‘manager’ to them) has banned an Owner’s request in writing for a proxy to attend an EC Meeting on the Owner’s behalf.  The owner had many Motions listed on the Agenda for the Meeting and was unable to attend due to travel commitments.  Can a Strata Agent do this?

    Our EC has on all previous occasions ruled as ‘out of order’ all Motions previously put by this Owner.  With advice from the Dept of Fair Trading’s Head of Mediation the Motions were again put – the Motions ask for compliance with legislation and required a simple yes/no vote.  The EC declared the Meeting over after approximately 40 minutes claiming time restraints meant they couldn’t address the Motions.  They deferred all the Owner’s Motions until after the next AGM in two months time.  Some of the Motions call for action to be taken at a General Meeting.  Is such behaviour permissible?

    In a response for a Request for Orders – the imposition of a compulsory Strata Managing Agent – the Executive Committee previously guaranteed to the CTTT/NCAT that they were undertaking a review of the Strata Managing Agent’s contract and, if the Request for Orders was dismissed they would immediately proceed with the tender.  The CTTT/NCAT used this assurance as the reason behind their dismissal for the Orders.  The tender process was never recommenced with the EC citing the Strata Manager’s particular knowledge of a major operation within the building, which was deemed by the Land and Environment Court/City of Sydney an “Illegal Use of Premises”.  Is this effectively contempt of the CTTT/NCAT?

    Never have I know such an impossible scenario.  This is simply the latest episode in what a Strata Agent and Strata Committee Members are capable of.