
       Quite a few years ago an owner apparently wrote to someone asking for permission to instal an air – con which involved cutting into a window facing a balcony and installing piping on common property.  The EC at the time responded with approval and a long list of requirements and it was installed.  In other words the Owner installed it with neither the consideration, approval or knowledge of the relevant authority – the OC via a special resolution.   I wondered what possible risk they may have and the best I could come up with is that some tradesman working on it may drop a tool onto someone on the walkway below –  the balcony is partly above an entry door to the units.

       I recently noticed a large drop of water landing on my head on a sunny day and often subsequently and concluded that there is some leakage from the air con.  This regular dripping is also causing a patch of forming slippery mould so a real safety issue is developing.