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Here’s that Special By-Law as Registered in 2010:
“The following are the requirements of the Owners Corporation of Strata Plan ♦♦♦♦ further to the provisions of Chapter 3, Part 2, Clause 65(a) of the NSW Strata Schemes Management Act (1996) and/or any subsequent or complementary Act/s that may at any time in the future apply (“the Act/s”).
Any and all changes and/or additions to the Common Property of the Plan that have been undertaken by the Owners Corporation, and those that have been requested to be undertaken by Owners and which have been properly consented to by the Owners Corporation (O/C) under the provisions of the Act/s will be shown in a Register of Changes and Additions to the Common Property of the Plan (the Register) that will at least include the details of the Owners / Proponents, the date that the O/C’s written consent was properly given, the full details of the consented works and/or activities, and any conditions that form part of those consents.
The Register must be kept in an up to date form by the Secretary of the Executive Committee.
Any and all changes and/or additions to the Common Property of the Plan that are not shown in the Register on and after the date of Registration of this Special By-Law will under no circumstances whatsoever comprise or be considered a change or addition to or form any part of the Common Property of the Plan, and any and all maintenance, repairs, and replacements of, and insurances for changed or added items not shown in the Register that may be required from time to time is the absolute responsibility of the Owner/s from time to time of the Lot/s where the changes and additions were undertaken or completed.”