

    We have the exact same situation in our building where one of the Owners’ (known for causing trouble) TV wall plates has been moved (they claim it was the previous owner but I would doubt that) which means that the unit below them also needs an alternate solution to be able to be connected to the free-to-air system (running cable along the outside of the building to bypass their unit!).  The Owner has also refused to give the contractors permission to restore the wall plate to it’s original position.  Of course, this is the first time the EC/OC has been made aware of the change to CP

    Our Strata manager has advised that we would be within our rights to ask them to restore the wall plate to the original position, but I think to save the inevitible and disproportionate fuss we have just decided to spend the extra $200 to have the cable run in through their existing Foxtel conduit – it just isn’t worth the pain.