Billen Ben

    FROM :https://www.nswfb.nsw.gov.au/page.php?id=191

    Under the provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 (EP & A Reg.), owners of buildings have a legal obligation to supply the Commissioner of the NSW Fire Brigades with a copy of any Fire Safety Certificate (PDF, 980KB) and Fire Safety Statement (PDF, 991KB) listing the fire safety measures applicable to their building.

    A copy of the Fire Safety Certificate and Fire Safety Statement are to be supplied as soon as practicable after being issued to the owner.

    The Fire Safety Certificate may be either Final or Interim, both of which are to be supplied as applicable.

    The Fire Safety Statement may be either Annual or Supplementary, both of which are to be supplied as applicable.

    Together with copies of certificates and statements, owners must also supply the Commissioner with a copy of the current Fire Safety Schedule issued to the owner by the consent authority specifying the fire safety measures that should be implemented in the building premises.

    A copy of the Fire Safety Certificate and Fire Safety Statement together with a copy of the current fire safety schedule must be prominently displayed in the building.

    The owner of a building, to which an essential fire safety measure is applicable by virtue of a fire safety schedule, must not fail to maintain each essential fire safety measure in the building premises.

    The Commissioner (NSW Fire Brigades) has an obligation under the E P & A Reg. to accept copies of completed Certificates and Statements together with copies of current Fire Safety Schedules.

    For more information contact the Structural Fire Safety Unit on
    02 9742 7400 Cool