
    We have issued such notices in the past “It has come to the EC's attention” but we have never issued a notice to any owner for something that can not be verified.  If someone complains about another owner parking in visitors spots, we would check to see if infact this owner does use these parkiing spots.  We wouldn't take the word of someone.  Then, if we can see and ensure that the facts are right, then we issue the notice.  In that way, though there may be a tip off from an owner, it is the EC who has seen it for themselves.

    Luckily though, we have had little need for owners to complain about other residents.  We have had one noise complaint that we could not verify.  In that case we asked the owner making the complaint to put a note under their neighbours door advising them and should that not work they should put it in writing to the managing agent for the attention of the EC.  Owners who are planning a party in this complex advise the other owners so they can expect some noise.

    For the most part, our letters stating “It has come to the attention of the EC” are for the bleeding obvious.  Such as the owner who continually leaves piles of things in the driveway outside his unit.  Despite numerous notices, he continues to do this.  Infact, there is a large pile of building materials in the driveway right now!  And guess what, this person put their hand up for the EC this year.  And this person has agreed to send notices to owners who have left materials on common property.   Perhaps he could send himself one then he would know who it was from!