
    When we act on a matter in this complex (after we have verified details) we do leave a note to the resident in question.  We do not do this via the managing agent.  Right or wrong, we actually like to give residents a chance.  If they park in visitors spots once, we don't act.  If there is a pattern of parking, then we leave them a note with dates.  We have always felt that in this way they don't get a  bad “record” and have a chance to redeem themselves.  Generally this has worked. 

    We have one resident who has broken every strata bylaw and damaged common property and despite doing everything in writing for all these continuing matters, this resident is still continuing with this behaviour.  This resident has harrassed a member of the EC over complaints over these matters (so do you think anyone would put their name to a complaint for this unit).    There is a tremendous amount of written correspondence in this instance all from the EC.  If a matter needs to be taken further then having info in writing is of course necessary.  And continuing bad behaviour needs to be taken further.

    So except for this one resident, we have no real record of complaint for anyone else, though notices have been given out to quite a few.   Considering the worst offences of residents has been the parking and garbage/garbage bins, we haven't seen the need to have a endless paper trail if we can get them on the straight and narrow and with their reputation in tact!  If they follow the rules once we “prompt” them (which is what we consider the “it has come to the attention of the committee” notices to be) , then no need to take it further.  If they want to ignore the notices, then we start with the formal correspondence. And with good behaviour, we wipe the slate clean for that resident.

    And as far as taking photos, a resident has abused an EC member for taking photos of common property.  Believe other residents don't like it and think it spying!  So no one is comfortable with taking photos.  We just have dates and times, car regos and details.  Only resort to photos when the matter gets to the point of considering action.