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As someone who after 5 years in apartments, finally bought a free standing house, or else end up on the 6 o clock news as part of some horrific mass murder, I can attest that the 8 “pitfalls” of strata living are only a sample of what is wrong with living in a unit.
Our 100 unit complex has been taken over by a dictatorial psychopath who has even physically assaulted tenants. Yet he cannot be charged because the only other witnesses are other EC members who refuse to provide statements.
The whole place is like a hostage video; with people just resigned that this is the kind of horror they need to put up with until they have saved up / gotten a better job, and are ready to move to a proper abode – and that living in a dog box stacked on other dog boxes is a temporary agony that is best endured by ignoring it.
Fair Trading aren’t interested and when we took it to NCAT they couldn’t care less and refused to even hear the case, on the basis that they thought our submission was “emotional”. Wouldn’t you be if you had been physically assaulted, have your internet connection cut at midnight by the EC president? And yet a majority of the strata owning sheep vote this lunatic in every year.
My only advice is DON’T BUY an apartment. You are better off living in a shack 50 km away from your work, as long as it is YOUR SHACK, and you don’t have to ask permission to nail a picture frame in the wall.
Strata living is a marxist nightmare that Orwell thought up and North Korea implemented. It’s fundamentally against human nature, and hardly surprised that growing populations have so many mental health problems having to live stacked on top of each other like lego blocks.