
    Here's a long-running saga story with a happy ending.  Furryball contacted us last week with this message.

    Thanks JimmyT. We have actually found a place now! When we went to our viewing we had a good long chat with the current renters and asked for some hints and tips for our covering letter, something the owners would want to hear. They suggested a whole load of stuff specific to their property and it worked! I got along really well with the agent as well who I had a few chats with prior to the viewing – so we're all good now. Feel free to update on your site  …

    I'm not saying “told you so” to everyone who poo-pooed the idea of making an extra effort … well, OK, I am. It's an isolated case, I know, but it worked for Furryball. People like people who try just a little bit harder, whether it's looking for work  or somewhere to live.

    However, I have to hastily admit that talking to the existing tenants wasn't my idea … but it's a good one.

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