Sir Humphrey

    And there (in my bold) is the difference. 

    I am happy to agree with Jimmy’s interpretation of the subtly different wording of NSW and ACT acts. I think you NSWelsh must have a very hard time getting even the most reasonable of special resolutions passed if there is opposition from anyone prepared to run a leaflet campaign of disinformation and/or round up a handful of proxies from disengaged mates. [Not that I am scarred or bitter about anything!]

    I can’t find any rules on whether or not you count spoiled vote (like the ones where someone has scribbled “the chairman is an idiot”).

    We counted the vote on which one owner added that he wanted to vote against the chair and me (treasurer) if we stood for election. Voting intention on rest of the form could be easily understood so this was interpreted as an direction to his proxy. The consequence was that we voted on each person nominated to the EC one by one, rather than just as a block by show of hands. The consequence was that there were a few votes against me and the chair but large majority support. However, for someone else we had to recount three times because it was so close and for the only time I am aware of, a person who wanted to join our EC did not get on.