
Hi all,

I believe that the answer is in the OH&S act/regs.

This act contains an obligation on the controller of a work place to make sure it is a safe work place. Effectively the common property of a strata scheme is deemed a work place, whether it is a residential building or commercial building.

It is the OC’s responsibility to be aware of a workplace risk and advise employees (contractors) of the risk, where it is and what to do with it.

Keep in mind that in some buildings built in the 60’s and 70’s, they have asbestos in the window putty used for keeping the glass in the windows, asbestos in the fire doors (thank you to all those owners who have installed their own peep hole).

Now it’s one thing getting the report and another to ensure that it is used… No point in just putting it in the shelf, unless there is no asbestos found.

If the agent has commissioned this without a specific delegation or resolution, than they are in a risky position