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Hi Jimmy,
We have a situation in our building where 3 EC members (out of 5) met without notifying the other 2 EC members and they presented a complaint about a long term resident who has not breach any by-laws as though it were an official decision of the Executive Committee, however this does not accord with the facts of the situation or relfect the opinion of the Chairman and the other member of the Committee, who were not notified of the meeting and did not vote on a particular matter.
We note that a ‘special general meeting’ requiring 72 hours notice is required by Law before such a matter can be put to a vote and acted on. No such meeting was called, however; the three claimants have proceeded to issue a ‘notice’ to the tenant in question regardless of the fact that their meeting on the matter was invalid.
The 3 EC members have pushed the Strata Manager to their limit that a CTTT hearing is now in placed for mid March.
My question to you is, how can this 3 EC members get away with such a thing? What can we do to assist the tenant when he goes to the CTTT hearing? He has not done anything wrong and the 3 EC members are doing this without any real justification.
Your opinion is greatly appreciated.