Lady Penelope

    The 4 fundamental questions are: (1) what is the purpose of the audio recording of the Meeting; and (2) who is doing the recording; and (3) is there knowledge that the Meeting is being recorded; and (4) has there been OC consent to the audio recording of the Meeting.

    I would think that if the OC agrees to the recording of the Meeting by a designated person for the purposes of accurate Minute taking and that the recording is destroyed after the Minutes have been recorded in writing then that should be OK. This decision should be placed in a By-law for all Owners and all potential Owners to be aware of.

    It is reasonable to place a ban in the By-law on any other unauthorized audio recording of Meetings.

    Everyone who attends the Meeting would have knowledge that the Meeting was being recorded.

    A person buys into the Strata Scheme with an understanding that there are By-laws for the scheme. The purchase of a Lot within that scheme is an implied consent to the By-laws of that scheme.