
    Hi everyone, I am in the same situation whereby our Committee is the owners who break the By Laws. We are a 6 lot site and 3 of the owners are on the Committee and therefore they get in everytime which gives other owners no chance to to stop what they do. They cunningly with the help of the Agent who also manages another property of theirs to get a Section 142 passed and therefore now they can have special privileges to do whatever they want with the Common area which they already do. They changed the Lot by dividing it up and having a take away in one part and a bakery in the other for years.  Now that the tenants have moved out and broken the concrete step tread the agent says that all owners have to pay for the repair. Also the are now having the awning over their lot cleaned. This awning is soley used by them but again us other owners have to pay as the agent says it is part of the common property. I have tried to get some help from Fair Trading but fell on deaf ears and the only way is to go through the Tribunal but I just want to know is this correct what they are doing. We set the 2018 AGM at the last AGM but they again cunningly worked it out that they would call it early as they know some of the owners will be away for work and again they get what they want.

    I just want to know if there is 3 for and 3 against what happens to the motions.??? can anyone help me as to where I could go for advice? Tks