
    @Ray2U said:
    As a pragmatic way forward (rather than using confrontational and threatening gestures) I would suggest putting an item on the next general meeting agenda. Something like: That the Owners Corporation only ever use licensed tradespeople to carry out repairs or work on common property.  Then let the subject be debated in a forum where all owners can participate and democratically decide on what suits your scheme. 

    Ray, I truly admire your pragmatic and inclusive approach but I think there isn’t much to debate here.  The EC shouldn’t be letting unlicensed builders anywhere near common property or even individual lots where the work affects common property.

    However, to pick up the thread of your intent, if the discussion was draw a line between, say, handyman style maintenance and full-blown building work, that might be worthwhile.  But where that line might be drawn would be such a subjective thing I’d be tempted to stick with no unlicensed tradies ever.

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