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Hi all,
Some really great responses to this issue, if I may summarise:-
Keep in mind that we are NSW based so my comments may not be applicable to your State.
1) We would all hope that no Strata Manager (SM) worth their appointment would ever consider having any unlicensed contractor on site, however if they did they would breach their duty of care, remember Strata firms and their managers are given delegated authority and as such must act in compliance to the SSM Act and within the laws of their state.
2) All residential building work over $1,000 in NSW must be undertaken by a Licensed contractor for the trade work to be done ( Electrician, Plumber, Builder etc) as such if a SM or EC allow unlicensed and or uninsured contractors to do work then they are in my opinion a dysfunctional OC and not managing the OC in a manner that is required, as such in NSW under these circumstances you may have a very good chance in placing an application to the CTTT to have a compulsory Strata Manager appointed to sort out the mess. You don’t need the support of the committee, the OC or any other owner. If you want to explore this option it is best to discuss with a Strata Lawyer. See this web site Law Firm Sponsor.
3) This issue of licensed contractors is a continuing issue for the Strata Sector to deal with. I support OC subscribing to an a service provider that critique Contractors, however don’t be lured into a false sense of security as these checks only disclose that the contractor is licensed and insured, they don’t provide any review of the contractors quality of work and their dependability. So make sure you ask for references and check them out. Call a couple of OC they are doing work for at the time of getting a quote from them!
4) What I am about to say will seem like I am pushing my companies barrow, but a big problem in Strata is that far too often works are contracted out without ample Research or without a detailed Scope of works. You need to know what is the problem and what is the most cost effective but also BCA compliant way to fix the issue. A good scope should result in you getting apple for apple quotations as well as being able to have a clear document to set the completed works against as undertaken. Which brings me to another issue and that is who should sign off the works? I would suggest that it should not be an Owner or a member of the EC even if experianced. Get an independant expert who has Professional Indemnity Insurance to carry out the progress payment inspection and the final inspection.
5) Finaly maintenance work will be required from time to time and short cut cheap jobs never return anything except short term results. Your Strata Building is the Owners greatest asset. I see far too often Owner’s spending more time and money on their motor car then their home.
I hope this summary has been helpful. If we can help we would be happy to provide a quotation.
GMD Integrated Consultancy Group
Building Consultants, Engineers and Strata Consultancy
Principal Sponcers OCN, Corporate Members SCA, FPA