
    Hi Dr Witch,

    This doesn't sound good, but I don't know the full circumstances.

    I would be asking the exec comm for a written explanation of why unlicensed tradespeople are being used. (for all I know you could be in an isolated part of the state where tradespeople are in short supply)

    Ask them about indemnities & guarantees

    You had better try & get on the exec comm yourself so you know what's going on.


    I think you need to personally lobby all of the owners pointing out these issues & try to get enough numbers to call an extra-ordinary general meeting to decide the matter or dismiss the current exec comm & appoint another.


    I don't know about the strata manager. Most strata managers would advise against unlicensed tradespeople & actually want a written indemnity from the exec comm.

    you need to do more digging


    Sharyn Machin
