
Hi All,

I am in a block less than 30 lots. I am on the EC and have been secretary. Myself and many others have BBQs on our balconies or in courtyards. Great to have a barbie on a summer evening. We have found the only time a BBQ smokes and causes issues is when the unit as in the BBQ is not kept clean. We all scrape our BBQs down and use wire brushes, then remove any drip fat from the run off. We currently have one lot causing an issue and have sent a letter via the SM advising them to clean the plates and drainage after use. This tends to solve the problem and we can all enjoy some outdoor entertaining. Unless of course a vegetarian has an issue with the smell of meat! Lets live and let live, try to enjoy our lives.

If you are not resolving your problem amicably, and considering all involved then you take the path of sending a notice to comply re noise smoke offensive odours etc

Best of luck CBF Cool