
i have attempted to speak to the owners through mediation but they refused and i have since found out that this is thanks to 1 tenant that is a proxy for the owners she has been talking to them and portraying her lifestyle onto me and spreading innuendo and lies.  As for the rest that Peter mentions I am making every attempt to lower the debt but the strata manager has not informed the owners of any payments made.  His comment was ” I have not received any information for anyone about any payment” and this incorrect as emails were sent to him, his accounts dept and all owners from me after i received a email from my solicitor informing the owners corp’s solicitor of payments made and copies of receipts i had given.  However, i think that they all deleted my email to them without reading and the solicitor has not informed the manager of payment.  Thus giving the owners corp the impression that the debt still stands at the original amount of around $12,000 and this is misleading.  The strata manager i been told by many people is annoyed that i basically questioned him and talked back.  I am pretty sure that i have this right and that the manager works for the owners not the other way around. This manager is out of control and a megalomaniac, narcissistic individual.  If anyone else reads this, have they encountered a similar person or situation can you advise me on what to do? Yes i thought of the tribunal but have been unsuccessful in the past but will try to attempt again.  Mediation isn’t an option as the owners are now convinced I am the root of evil and must be shunned thanks to the strata manager’s and a owner’s proxy manipulation and lies.