
    To wrap all this up, in NSW if the taps are part of the water reticulation system that services only the Lot (and in a bathroom/kitchen that’s likely) and they’re currently and proposed to be within an internal as opposed to a perimeter (common) wall, then the Lot owner can have them relocated by a licensed plumber.

    Unlike in Victoria and perhaps some other States/Territories, in NSW all pipework withing perimeter (common) walls and floors is the Owners Corporation’s responsibility irrespective of whether or not they’re servicing only the Lot. In my opinion that’s not such as bad idea, as I wouldn’t want individual owners themselves arranging works within walls/floors that are integral to the structural integrity of the whole building.

    On the issue of the need for a Special By-Law (SBL) where works are proposed that change the common property, doesn’t a special resolution suffice in circumstances where the Owners Corporation is prepared to consider works of the same types individually as opposed to giving a blanket consent to those via a SBL?