
    Have each company put forward their solution along with costing, including installation & maintenance. They will likely nominate preferred installers. Ask them if they have ever retro-fitted into heritage buildings. Check that it will hook into your existing security system if you need remote door opening capability for car park entrances or lobby doors and integration with lifts.

    Check any heritage issues with your local council (it helps to state where you are in AU). They should be detailed in the development consent or in any heritage register listing. At least that’s what I’ve found in NSW, City of Sydney council.

    Ask each company for referrals to other buildings which have their technology installed who you can speak to about their experiences.

    If your committee doesn’t have the tech skills to properly assess the options, ask other owners if they can offer advice or you may need to buy in independent expertise.

    Our next big SC project will be finding a solution to upgrade our intercom. We currently have an Urmet system but it is increasingly difficult to get parts for our now very old system. We’re also a heritage building but the heritage elements don’t interact with the intercom.

    Post back with any insights & I’ll do the same. & all the best!