
    @Ali said:
    Two owners recently sold and their units are now tenanted. I asked the SM for the new owners contact details but he said he could not give them to me for privacy reasons.  

    This old chestnut … your strata manager is WRONG!

    As a member of the Owners Corporation – i.e. an owner – you are entitled to view all of its official documents. This includes the strata roll which must, according to Section 98 (below) contain the name and address of owners for the service of documents.

    FYI: Section 119 referred to (also below) explains how owners can be fined $550 for not informing the Owners Corporation of the details of new leases.

    This is basic strata management stuff. You might want to check when your strata manager last had any update in their professional training.

    98   What must be recorded in the strata roll?

    (1)  There must be recorded in the strata roll in relation to a particular lot:

    (a)  the owner’s name and an Australian address for service of notices or the name of the owner’s agent appointed in accordance with Part 3 of Chapter 4 and the agent’s Australian address for service of notices, and

    (b)  information provided under section 118 or obtained from the Register in connection with the lot, and

    (c)  information provided under section 119.


    119   Notice to be given to owners corporation of leases or subleases

    (1)  If a lot is leased, the lessor must give notice of the lease, in accordance with this section, to the owners corporation within 14 days after the commencement of the lease.

    Maximum penalty: 5 penalty units.

    (2)  If a lot is subleased, the sublessor must give notice of the sublease, in accordance with this section, to the owners corporation within 14 days after the commencement of the sublease.

    Maximum penalty: 5 penalty units.

    (3)  If a lease or sublease of a lot is assigned, the assignor must give notice of the assignment, in accordance with this section, to the owners corporation within 14 days after the execution of the assignment.

    Maximum penalty: 5 penalty units.

    (4)  The notice must specify:

    (a)  the name of the lessee, sublessee or assignee, and

    (b)  the date of commencement or assignment of the lease or sublease, as the case requires, and

    (c)  the name of any agent acting for the owner in respect of the lease or sublease.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.