
    Best way to keep residents informed?

    From over a decade’s experience, I can say a password protected site is NOT the way to go.

    You will miss a lot of residents and others (eg tenants and agents) if you do that.

    If you want to genuinely keep all residents informed, you need an open site – and it’s better if they can subscribe to it for updates.  Then display the site address (URL) in a prominent place inside the building(s).  Typically in a noticeboard like location.

    This is not for meeting minutes or things like dispute handling.  It’s to let all residents know all about the building as well as how to contact the OC/BC.  It can also contain by-laws/rules and decisions of the OC/BC.  If the site is kept factual, it in itself doesn’t generate controversy. 

    It’s been a big success in my OC/BCs.

    No by-law/rule is needed to create such as site AFAIK.