
    Stratabox.com.au will give you a free trial of software to do exactly that.

    A password protected website or online forum will give you a level of protection against defamation and privacy claims because it is for internal use only.

    However, that protection evaporates if there is malicious intent behind any offensive posts – especially if those posts get out to a wider readership.  But that’s one reason a protected website is better than a publicly visible noticeboard.

    I met a strata manager a couple of years ago who had to shut down a strata’s web forum because two owners were using it to hurl nasty abuse at each other.

    Password protection and a tight code of conduct would take care of that, though.  Your next problem is who manages it.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.