
    Thanks Strata Manager and Whale.  I did put my argument in writing and they said they would not discuss it further and the invoice will remain on my account accruing interest until paid and my voting rights denied.  Strata Law seems very unfair if an EC can direct a Strata Manager to raise a Miscellaneous invoice on someone and then not discuss it.  The lack of maintenance by this corrupt EC led to the gate remaining un-repaired in the first place.  The over 65 year old men who ‘try’ to attend to the maintenance of the property have failed dismally.  In their attempts to save money, the property has suffered at their hands.  They do not want levies increased and they do not want the sinking fund levies increased either as ‘it will be someone elses problem in the future’.  This gate had a brick pillar holding it closed prior to our removalist truck entering the property.  We have a photo showing the pillar propping the gate closed. The drive is overgrown and all owners recently received a note that no gardening was to be undertaken unless agreed by the EC.  I can pay the miscellaneous invoice and negative gear it and it will go away however is it right that they can charge me for something I am not responsible for?  The invoice from the repair company does not indicate any damage by a truck or van as I indicated in my initial submission.  The Strata Manager invoice to me says Unit 19 damage by removalist van.  I know they dont like me because I keep pushing for justice and fairness.  I think i need to fight this injustice.