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If the $28 is for a s108 search then it is $30 for the first hour and $15 for every additional hour in the 2010 Regs; unless it has changed, which it does.
In my SP the mail is never on the agenda and it is only “after the fact” that owners know what has come and gone; often mail is not recorded as incoming or outgoing which makes it hard to ask for at a s108 search because one can't ask for what one does not know exists.
Often mail is opened and action immediately taken. Say for example there is a compliant about a dog on unit XX; the EC will sometimes immediately vote to send a notice to comply; depends who owns unit XX.
It has all been brought up with CTTT who didn't care – the OC thus feel vindicated in there hopeless management.
To get back to the issue:
Section 104 of the SSMA requires the OC to keep, for 5 years, copies of correspondence received and sent by the owners corporation.
Correspondence received and sent by the owners corporation should be recorded in the EC minutes.