
     Dear Friends on Flat chat 

    I have been grizzling on this forum for quite some time.Thank you for listening , helping and indulging. I am still not happy with the system. Since this thread  began my financial input to legal action has risen to $120,000. I laughed and cried when I read my first post and we were at $30,000. But I am happy to tell you after two years of  the worst living conditions and conflict and character assassination WE WON. The tribunal granted us everything we asked for. A landslide victory under the new laws.  Over $300,000 of repairs to our apartment. We will still have many dramas to deal with to have the orders complied to I am sure. But just at this moment let me bask in the warmth of success. 


     Ok basking finished …..This is not good enough… Most owners could never afford to fight the fight we had to. We could not even sell as our property was in such terrible disrepair and it was documented.  Yes we won, and I stand by everything I said in former comments. Jimmy T  what can we do? What can I do to change this state of affairs? We plan on approaching the member once we get through the huge amount of repairs, if we have any sanity left.  I am quite sure I will end up back in the Tribunal as the Committee are still in power. Change is needed. The individual owner needs protection and a voice that does not take years and cost them all of their savings.Thank you all again for reading and advising.  Now back to basking!Laugh