› Flat Chat Strata Forum › NCAT – the NSW Tribunal › Broken System › Current Page
19/09/2017 at 2:42 pm
At Griffith University Strata International Forums – 2007-2009 – NSW was said to have the best strata system/legislation in the WORLD!!
Western Australia was held to have the best Tribunal procedure… run strictly by a very competent South African manager…. parties to appear every two weeks until the matter resolved…
Queensland had the best pre-contract disclosure to prospective purchasers…
Victoria the worst strata law…
NSW, however, has ALWAYS had diabolical problems with enforcement of its legislation… via the CTTT/NCAT, etc. – nepotism – amongst its staff/etc. and with the public, etc.
The Forums also made it very clear that it was NOT necessary to have one single neurone for a person to become a committee member, not necessary to speak English, nor was it necessary to be in Australia…
NO matter what the gurus do to the legislation, it has never been the real problem…. Enforcement always has… as with so many other courts/etc…
Not to mention education of tribunal/court staff, etc. etc.
The balance of power is in the wrong hands…. so little protection for strata owners…. PLUS… we have ALL lost so many of our consumer, police, human rights… because of this strata mechanism for bullying control/ignorance/fraud…