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Hi Jimmy and everyone who is following this thread,
First of all thank you for highlighting my story, I felt like a celebrity for a second there. It did only last a second as the SC are now gearing up to appeal which will probably add another four months to the fight. This is what happens when logic flies out the window. The SC are driven by an emotional vendetta mentality. This will cost us more money and the owners as well, depending on who comes out the other side the winner.
Many people ask me why are the owners allowing this to happen?
They are kept in the dark. The minutes are propaganda, not informative. The minutes are written by the people we are fighting, we have no input to the minutes. We also have no way of contacting the many investors. The strata manager is in league with the committee and the last time we asked for the strata roll he sent us the wrong building roll. The owners have not seen the application for the tribunal nor the outcome of the tribunal.
Then there is the character assassination that has taken place .Over two years they have been told horrendous things about us by the committee. All of which got back to us some how. They also believe what they are told by committee members who also have access to all of the floors, the human instinct to believe what one is told by their elected official is the easy way out. Then there is the power aspect of the committee. If a committee is corrupt they will do and say anything to stay in power because if anyone else gets their hands on the books they will be found out. They have all of the investors votes spread out across the committee and the company nominee votes also which are considerable. When I have tried to approach people they either won’t acknowledge me or say I don’t want to get involved, and if they do befriend me they themselves are on the receiving end of retribution. Our friends had their access swipes to the building disconnected. But you can’t prove anything, they were told it was a computer glitch …. It was not and has happened to us before. Another friend who was very passive was vilified in the minutes incorrectly and was driven out of the building.
The owners do not know how much has been spent on legals, they voted at an egm (no one showed up to hear our side) for a very low amount which would have been surpassed ten times over. They did not include the experts in their costings. The Lawyers who are affiliated with the Strata manager are underquoting in the costings for the appeal. Our lawyer had a look and said there was no way they could run an appeal for that amount of money.
No one goes to the meetings AGMs etc. They are told how to vote and not to come.
So we fight on against the Strata manager, against their lawyer, who really doesn’t care how it turns out he gets paid anyway, against the committee, and against the owners. Apart from the $250,000 worth of repairs needed in my apartment. For two years my apartment has had a broken and non compliant fire door. Documented by the fire company. This is how crazy and broken the system is. Apologies if I am a bit repetitive .
Jimmy can’t thank you enough for the support. You and also your other Flat chat folk have advised us well.
Cheers Whoopi