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Well Said Mike I totally agree. They just wear you down and wear you down until you go away. Broke and broken. Strata is not a democracy not even close.
Our minutes have just come out and it occurs to me that when an owner takes a SC to the tribunal the SC should have to cease any offical action until it is proven they are righteous in their behaviour.
Because we took the SC to task and won they have the power to vilify us in the minutes which they have just done and what can we say about it, nothing!
Or we should be able to make inclusions in the minutes like a committee section and an owners section wouldn’t that put a cat amongst the pigeons. Owners don’t have minutes we can send out just Strata committees big difference in that perspective. You want the opportunity to defend yourself somehow.
We don’t have a current Strata Roll, or access to emails or phone numbers. The owners are about to vote on an appeal against us. They are having a paper EGM so we can’t even speak to the few owners who may turn up. At the bottom of our notice it says Owners do not need to attend no action is needed, in other words we don’t want you to attend cause we don’t give a hoot about the owners opinions.
What each minutes should say is please everyone attend the meetings we are interested in your opinions your vote counts this is your home your voice should be heard.
Maintain the rage some how Mike I am glad all of these fab Flat chatters are commenting on this topic and want to keep it going until some one listens. I wish you luck. Stay in touch.