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@Whoopi said:
The owners were not notified that committee member did not attend. Plus he is paid an enormous honorarium.
If the payment is agreed in advance, he and the committee are breaking the law.
You are not even allowed to report to owners what happened in mediation as it is all confidential. This makes no sense at all to me.
Are you sure? The owners are party to the mediation (as members of the Owners Corporation) so they are entitled to be told. And even if they weren’t, what’s going to happen? Off to strata prison with you!?! Seriously, if the other side refuses to play by the rules, why would you feel the need to follow them in such minute detail?
… the committee were able to control the information that filtered back.
So find a way of letting the owners know. It takes about $25 to set up a website and $1 a unit to send postcards directing people to it (nothing if you have their email addresses).
I am amazed at how many unhappy strata bunnies are out there. I have worried about you since your private message and think about you a lot. Hang in there Ziggy…… Call Four Corners !!!!! Insight !!!!! Would love to see my committee chased down the road by Current Affair !!!
Having been on several TV news magazine items about strata, I can tell you they usually don’t get it. I did a thing for Helen Wellings on Seven about “forced sales” legislation – the promo for the item was headlined “Strata Body Corporates out of control!”
Why? Because the 12-year-olds in the promo department assumed that’s what it must be about. They don’t know and, more to the point, (apart from Ms Wellings) they don’t care.
You have all the ammunition you need to take your strata committee members to NCAT and you have already had the mediation. So apply to NCAT and
a) ask for them to be removed from the committee
b) order them to pay back the honorarium
c) order the committee to do the things they should have been doing.
In the meantime, it has never been easier to get your message out to your fellow owners – don’t wait for a TV show to do it for you because, apart from the unlikelihood of them doing it in the first place, their agenda may be very different from yours.