
    We emailed our strata manager twice over two weeks asking them to distribute the tribunal findings to the owners. He finally declined saying the SC and owners were appealing therefore  any more correspondence on this needed to come through the lawyers ….. Funny how sure he is of the vote to appeal will be passed. That is because the committee have all of the investor votes. so the owners in principle will be voting on appealing without ever having seen or had the opportunity to read the orders.

     The minutes were gold, something like ” The finding for the tribunal has been handed down. It is agreed to appeal the decision.”

    They didn’t say they lost, and it is a forgone conclusion that they appeal . I am shocked about the paper EGM.  They should not be allowed to  do that on such an important and expensive issue. The owners should all get together and have a chat. To be honest Jimmy I don’t think the owners care they have Stockholm syndrome.

    Honorarium: you should not have one at the next AGM.

    We don’t get a say whether we have one or not, if I suggested that I would be howled down and probably dragged out of town with my ankles tied to my horse.

     My only hope is the advice you have already given me and we are waiting for the right moment to go for it. I am feeling very confident about the appeal. I will hang my hat on that and maybe the owners will need to get the wake up call this way.  I truly appreciate all of the advice but we are stitched up here. We pray that the tribunal and the appeal falls our way. I honestly can’t see how it can’t.