Lady Penelope

    Whoopi – (1) Honorarium.

    Why don’t you submit a Motion to be included at the next AGM that states what you believe the Honorarium should be? It may not be wise for you raise a Motion stating that the Honorarium should be $0 but you could word it something like this:

    Motion to grant Honorarium.

    That the Owners Corporation approves the granting of an honorarium of $xxxxxxx to xxxxxxxx for services rendered to the Owners Corporation since the previous AGM. 

    You could make the amount a small sum e.g. $100.00 or $200.00.

    Submitting your Motion in words of your own choosing puts you in the ‘driving seat’. The other owners can either vote YES or NO.

    (2) Tribunal findings.

    Do you have a copy of the Tribunal findings? If the SM refuses to circulate the Tribunal findings then why don’t you circulate the findings to all the owners in your building via a letter box drop?

    You have a right to view the Strata Roll. You could mail the findings to the owners who do not live on site. You could include an explanatory covering letter. Make sure that any letter that you include is not defamatory in any way.

    (3) Incomplete Minutes

    If you believe the Minutes are not correct then you have the right to correct the Minutes by way of correspondence to the SM. Corrections should be reflected in the Minutes of the next meeting. If the SC refuses to include any corrections then your correspondence will, at least, be on file.

    It appears that the SM may be sending a rough draft of the Minutes to the Chairperson or the Secretary, who may then be ‘bleaching’ them to reflect their own agenda.