
    What you describe would be part of a more comprehensive strata self-management software, since many of these issues are related to decisions of the committee and owners corporations, not to mention budgets and actual finances.

    First of all, our sponsor Stratares has a graded self-management service through which you can have as much or as little strata manager involvement as you want (and are prepared to pay for).

    Another that springs to mind is Strata Management Systems, software built for self-managed schemes by building industry professionals. I was a consultant on the project in its early stages and, as I recall, it provides every aspect of the nuts and bolts of strata self-management in incredible detail, right down to how much one owner’s unpaid levies is costing everyone else.

    I haven’t heard from them for a while but they were definitely on the right track.

    Another offering is OurBodyCorp, another online service for self-management but with access to professional strata managers if you need one. 

    One of the industry leaders in self-managed software is Mystrata which offers an online portal for both strata professionals and self-managed schemes.

    Housenet is a free (initially) web-based community hub that has been adapted for strata  but probably doesn’t have the off-the-peg functionality of the above software. As you can tell from its name, it was not initially designed for strata schemes.

    Finally, it’s well worth taking a look at this page from our old friends at Strataman (O’Connors Real Estate) which explains the challenges of self-management but then, if you haven’t been sufficiently discouraged, provides a software kit to allow you to do it.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.