
    Personally, if it were me, I would write to the EC/OC and tell them that I want a secure letter box for my mail.  I would also point out that I may hold them responsible for any mail theft and subsequent repercussions of this.

    If it were only the key, that would be easy.  But if it is the whole structure, and doors are hanging off, that surely is the responsibility of the OC. 

    I believe that in the model bylaws, regarding changing common property, that you did not need permission where it was for safety or security (don't have the bylaws at hand to quote exactly).  I would check whether this would constitute security and safety (identity theft) and, should the OC not be forthcoming with the repairs, I personally would advise that I will be installing a new letterbox.  

    But you have to check!  And you have to advise!  Don't go marching in there and doing work yourself, even if the letterboxes are in a state of disrepair.  Put it all in writing.  Complain.  Draw it to their attention. Follow up!  In the meantime, perhaps you could get a PO box.